A Beginner’s Guide to the End 人生除此无大事》Chinese Edition Available Now

Launched in December 2022 | 中文版在2022年12月推出


Watch BJ Miller MD’s Ted Talk in Simplified and Traditional Chinese

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此书简介和评语 | Book Overview and Praises

Most of us prefer to talk about anything other than death or, at best, talk about it euphemistically. “There is nothing wrong with you dying. But you’d never know it the way our culture talks about death,” say the authors. While dying is inevitable, only 10-20% of us die without warning—so most of us, if we choose, can prepare for it. A BEGINNER’s GUIDE TO THE END is a great place to start. 

BJ Miller, one of the most well-respected and passionate doctors in the palliative care field, is an assistant clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco where he practices and teaches palliative medicine. His TED Talk, “What Really Matters at the End of Life,” has been viewed more than 9 million times, and a recent New York Times Magazine 

profile and “Super Soul Sunday’ appearance cemented his national reputation. Dr. Miller also brings a unique patient’s perspective to his work: as a college student, he was severely electrocuted in an accident and faced his own mortality. Shoshana brings her own perspective from her personal experience as a caregiver. Together, they bring a clear-eyed, no nonsense tone to a complex and difficult subject, as well as the kind of compassion that comes from connecting daily with the dying.


作者米勒医生(BJ Miller)是临终关怀疗领域最受尊敬、最热情的医生之一,也是旧金山加利福尼亚大学的助理临床医学教授,他目前在这里从事(临终)缓和医学的实践和教学。他的TED演讲,《生命终结时,什么才重要》已经被浏览了900多万次,最近的《纽约时报》为他做的专访,和参加奥普拉的“Super Soul Sunday”系列对话节目,更是使BJ Miller在全美声名鹊起。除此之外,由于自己的一段真实的人生经历,米勒医生在工作中还能够带着病人的视角看待问题——在大学时代,他在一次严重的触电事故中差点去和死神报到。另一位作者Shoshana在书中则从她作为护理者的个人经历中,提供了自己的见解。他们一起用怜悯之心将临近死亡这一主题与日常生活中的点滴联系起来,将一个原本复杂而困难的主题用一种清晰的、言简意赅的方式呈现给了读者。

“I wish I’d had this book when I needed it. But I’m happy that it exists at all because everyone—at some point or another—will need it. At some point in our lives, all of us will either be taking care of a loved one who is dying, or confronting our own mortality. Death and dying are not subjects that many people are comfortable talking about, but it’s hugely important to be as prepared as you can be—emotionally, physically, practically, financially, spiritually. This book may be the most important guide you could have as you face a journey that is all too often shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding. I’m grateful to BJ Miller and Shoshana Berger for this pragmatic and compassionate offering.” — Elizabeth Gilbert, New York Times bestselling author of Big Magic and Eat, Pray, Love

“真希望当初自己需要这本书的时候,我能有一本。但我很高兴这本书至少是存在的,而每个人都会在生命中的某一个时间节点上需要它。因为在生命的某个时刻,我们所有人都会面临这样的处境——要么是照顾一个即将逝去的亲人,要么是直面自己的死亡。死亡和垂死并不是许多人乐于谈论的话题,但是在尽可能为此做好准备却是异常重要的事——无论在情感上、身体上、实践上、经济上还是精神上。当你面对死亡这样一个往往被神秘和误解所笼罩的人生旅途时,这本书可能成为你的重要指南。我很感谢BJ Miller和Shoshana Berger满怀热忱地提供了这样一本实操性很强的指导书。”

- 伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特,《纽约时报》畅销书作家,《去当你想当的任何人吧:寻找自我的魔法》魔法,《美食祈祷恋爱》作者

“When it comes to the final journey, we are all beginners. Navigating the complexities of serious illness requires grace and grit. With elegant simplicity and tender, earthy honesty, this beginner’s guide explains how to prepare, what possible routes you might take, mis-turns to avoid, and the beauty you might see along the way.”

—Ira Byock, MD, Founder & Chief Medical Director, Institute for Human Caring


-Ira Byock,医学博士,人类关怀研究所创始人兼首席医学指导专家